A solicitor had been charged for his alleged role in frustrating an investigation by the securities and futures commission in relation to suspected share price rigging of a publicly listed company 廉政公署落案起诉一名律师,控告他涉嫌妨碍证券及期货事务监察委员会就一宗上市公司怀疑操控股价事件进行调查。
A barrister was arrested and charged for his alleged role in frustrating an investigation by the securities and futures commission in relation to suspected share price rigging of a publicly listed company 廉政公署拘捕及落案起诉一名大律师,指他涉嫌妨碍证券及期货事务监察委员会就一宗上市公司怀疑操控股价事件进行调查。